
AnakinSkywalkeristhesonofShmiSkywalker,thesecrethusbandofPadméAmidala,thefatherofLukeSkywalkerandLeiaOrgana,thefather-in-lawofHanSolo,andthematernalgrandfatherofBenSolo.,TheCompleteStarWarsSkywalkerFamilyTree·7ShmiSkywalker·6AnakinSkywalker·5PadmeAmidala·4LukeSkywalker·3LeiaOrgana·2 ...,Familyhead(s)·ShmiSkywalker·PadméAmidala(22BBY–19BBY)·MaraJadeSkywalker(19ABY–40ABY)·AnakinSkywalker·LukeSky...

Skywalker family

Anakin Skywalker is the son of Shmi Skywalker, the secret husband of Padmé Amidala, the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the father-in-law of Han Solo, and the maternal grandfather of Ben Solo.

The Complete Star Wars Skywalker Family Tree

The Complete Star Wars Skywalker Family Tree · 7 Shmi Skywalker · 6 Anakin Skywalker · 5 Padme Amidala · 4 Luke Skywalker · 3 Leia Organa · 2 ...

Skywalker family | Wookieepedia

Family head(s) · Shmi Skywalker · Padmé Amidala (22 BBY–19 BBY) · Mara Jade Skywalker (19 ABY–40 ABY) · Anakin Skywalker · Luke Skywalker ... Solo family · Luuke Skywalker · Shmi Skywalker Lars · Darth Vader (clone)

Skywalker family - Wookieepedia

The Force was strong in Anakin's bloodline, passing down to his progeny, the twin siblings Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, as well as Ben Solo, Organa's son and ...

Like my father before me: the definitive Skywalker family tree

We've gathered this handy Skywalker family tree that explains ties familial, friendly, and of the Force.

The Skywalker Family Tree, Explained

Luke Skywalker is the son of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala. He is the twin brother to Leia Organa, but the two were separated at birth. It ...

Can you explain the Skywalker family tree from Star Wars?

Anakin Skywalker was born without a father to Shmi Skywalker. She later gets married to Clegg Lars father of Owen Lars.

Skywalker Family Tree (Canon) : rUsefulCharts

Organa was Leia's adoptive mother's family name. Bail took Breha's name when they married, since she was the crown princess (and later ...

I made a Skywalker family tree : rStarWars

We now know that Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo married in secret in the year 22 BBY, just after the Battle of Geonosis.

The COMPLETE Skywalker Family Tree of Star Wars Legends

I break down the entire Skywalker Family from Shmi all the way to the Legacy Era. Featured are everyone's favorite Skywalkers including ...